Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yesterday's Interview

I was privileged to be interviewed yesterday by Bill Henson, publisher of the free York County Magazine for the "center spread" artist profile (I always knew I'd make a centerfold one day, hahah!)  Bill has interview over 60 artists and is very versed in art (to the point I was a bit intimidated.)  Having him interview me helped me make some sense of my art.  For instance, he asked me what my favorite color was, and that started a lengthy dialogue that ended with my showing him my painting called, "Value Study."  I told him I was a value-ist.  And he understood.  I told him color was the last thing I thought about.  I told him that my earliest paintings I actually painted them in 3 values then glazed color over that.  He found that fascinating; I thought most people did that.  Who knew?

I'll be interested to see the interview, which comes out this month on the 14th.  I'll be raiding stores for extra copies for my friends and family.  Thank goodness it's free!

How do you feel about color?  Is color a primary reason that you paint?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!! I want at least a half dozen of those free copies, missy!

    As you know, I have an incredibly hard time with value, but I don't see myself as a colorist either. I think what attracts me to a subject IS value, but I have a hard time translating this value into color. Your idea of using three values and then glazing over them with color is a wonderful idea. What are you suggestions for finding the TIME to make art?

    I can't wait to see the interview. And yes, you were destined to be a centerfold!
